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Share the gift of the Second Amendment with a friend. JLR Enterprises is currently running a "Bring a Friend" discount for those who sign up for our 16 hour Concealed Carry Course with a friend. Those who sign up with a friend will receive a $25.00 discount off of the total price of the 16 hour Concealed Carry Course. Not only will you save, but your guest will benefit from the same savings. Spots are limited. Call now to reserve your spot or click email. 



                                            ******You Must Notify our staff when scheduling.******                                    

















Q. Do I need to have my FOID card to participate in your course?


A. No, you do not need to have your FOID card. However, we suggest you apply for one as soon as possible because it is a requirement for the Illinois Concealed Carry License.


Q. What range to you use for your course?


A. We do not have a set range at this time. We currently use R.K.A, Article II, Rinks, but we do our best to reserve the range far enough in advance to ensure each student is given every advantage to succeed, and some class sizes are reduced to accomidate which ever range is available. We will notify each student in advance of which range is being utilized for his or her class.


Q. Do I need my own firearm to take the class?


A. We recommend that you bring a firearm if you own one. If you haven't purchased one yet, we have a small caliber firearm for you to use on the range. We cover firearm selection during the class to assist you in making that choice. 


Q. How much ammo should I bring to the range?


A. Passing the live fire qualification will require 21 good shots, so we suggest bringing a box of 50 rounds. If you do not have a firearm available at the time of the live fire qualification, we can supply you with a .22 caliber Ruger for qualification. If you choose to use our firearm for your qualification, we kindly ask for a minimum donation of $5.00 which will assist with the upkeep, cleaning, and maintenance needed to keep these firearms functioning properly for our future clients.


Q. What prior training can be accepted towards the required 16 hour class?


A. The Illinois State Police created a list on their website of accepted prior training. You can access the list through the following link:


Q. How long will it take a citizen to obtain an Illinois Concealed Carry License?


A. Upon receipt of a qualified application, the ISP shall issue or deny the applicant an Illinois Concealed Carry License within 90 days, provided the applicant submits a full set of fingerprints in electronic format. If fingerprints are not submitted in electronic format, the ISP is granted an additional 30 days to complete a manual background check. In all cases, law enforcement agencies will have 30 days to file an objection once an application is received.Other Highlights of the Concealed Carry Act:The license shall be valid throughout the State for five years.The fee for the license is $150.00The State Police must issue or deny the application no later than 90 days (but there are exceptions)Law Enforcement agencies can object to an applicant for various reasons, however there will be an appeal process and a review boardQualifications for a license are - at least 21 years old, possess a current FOID card, and: Pass extensive background checks: NICS, federal, state, & local criminal, mental health, domestic violence, and includes juvenile adjudicationsHead and shoulder color ID photo taken within 30 days preceding the applicationA photocopy of any certificates or other evidence of compliance with the training requirementsFirearms training courses must be approved by the State Police and there will be a list posted on the ISP web siteThe training course or combination of courses will be at least 16 hours including range qualificationTraining courses will cover (1) firearm safety (2) basic principles of marksmanship (3) care, cleaning, loading and unloading of a concealed firearm (4) State & Federal laws relating to ownership, storage, carry and transportation of firearms and appropriate and lawful interaction with law enforcement while transporting and carrying firearms.Applicants must provide proof of certification by a certified instructor that the applicant passed a live fire exercise with a concealable firearm consisting of firing a minimum of 30 rounds on a B-27 silhouette target; 10 rounds at 5 yards; 10 rounds at 7 yards; 10 round at 10 yards with a success rate of 70%. This does not have to be with gun you will carry.The State Police shall recognize up to 8 hours of training already completed toward the 16 hour requirement if the training course is approved by the State Police and recognized under the laws of another state. Remaining hours must cover the State & Federal laws covering ownership, carry & transportation of firearms and the range qualification. The State Police shall accept 8 hours of training as completed if the applicant is active, retired or honorably discharged member of the United States Armed Forces.Instructors shall be certified by the State Police and must keep records of all students trained and range qualified.



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1221 St Charles Drive

Lockport, Illinois 60441

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